Thursday, April 19, 2012

Run over by Road-building Equipment

Our family has a little farm in Eastern Utah and my wife and I decided this year to build a new driveway through one of our pastures. I got a hold of an old dump truck and a loader to help with the project. one day as I was working in the loader, cutting out the new road, I took a call on my "Lifeproofed" Iphone. When I was done with my call, instead of putting my phone away like I should have I put it carelessly next to my seat in the loader then continued slogging through the bumpy road I was making. In a few minutes I realized my phone was not next to me any more and in horror realized it probably fell out of the loader. I was sure I had ran it over because the big tires on the loader are hard to miss. I shut the loader off and climbed out expecting the worst. As I back tracked my progress through the dirt and mud, I saw my phone lying face down right in the middle of my tire track. I picked it up and wiped it on my jeans to get most of the mud off and checked my phone. IT WORKED PERFECTLY! I couldn't believe it. Later I cleaned it up and did a water test on the case and it was fine. My mistake could have cost me a lot of money but because of Lifeproof, All is well. They will have to add loader tires to the list of proofs for this case. Ha Ha.
-Jason Phelps